Molecular Systems ================= Under construction. The ``chiLife.MolSys`` module is not yet officially supported. The MolSys object ----------------- The chiLife Molecular System, or ``MolSys`` and related objects, are how chilife represents molecular systems including proteins, nucleic acids, small molecules, course grained systems and more. ``MolSys`` objects are generally created from PDB files, MDAnalysis objects or existing chilife molecular systems. The design of the chiLife molecular system objects are heavily influenced by `MDAnalysis `_ and shares many attribute and method names to facilitate a compatible interface. .. automodule:: chilife.MolSys :members: MolecularSystemBase, MolSys, Trajectory, AtomSelection, ResidueSelection, SegmentSelection, Atom, Residue, Segment The MolSysIC object ------------------- While the :class:`~MolSys` object contains cartesian coordinate and protein information, the :class:`~MolSysIC` object contains information on internal coordinates. .. automodule:: chilife.MolSysIC :members: